Why am I getting charged from Google and Facebook?

The Advertising Media Budget is paid by you directly to Google and/or Facebook.
Your card will be on file with these advertising platforms and billed directly by them.

This allows you to pay for clicks as they accrue throughout the month rather than in one big payment in advance. 

At the beginning, the charges will come in smaller increments until trust is developed with the advertising platform and then usually every $1000 or 30 days. 

Automatic Payments

Facebook will automatically charge you whenever you spend a certain amount known as your billing threshold and again on your monthly bill date for any leftover costs. This is how you'll pay if you use PayPal or most credit and debit cards to purchase ads.

Google will automatically charge  after your ads run, either 30 days after your last automatic charge or when you reach a preset amount (known as your threshold), whichever comes first.
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