How do I Manage Enquiries using the CRM?

Welcome to your unique CRM (Customer Relationship Management). In this article, we will show you how to manage your daily enquiries using your simple CRM. Now, let's get familiar with how it all works.   

Instructional Video

Quick Rules

  1. If you see an enquiry card with "Australia" or just a Phone number > Update "Opportunity Name" AND "Contact Name" + email (if available).
  2. Move the cards to the appropriate stage (Don't go backwards).
  3. ($) = Add total lead value based on total revenue paid to date + scheduled treatment plan.
  4. (3x) = Follow up 3 times using tasks (Review Tasks). 
  5. Lost - ONLY if it's a 1) Wrong Number - looking for another practice, 2) Existing Patients, 3) Spam Call.
  6. Abandoned - 1) No booking made and no further follow-up needed, 2) Haven't heard back after 3 follow-up attempts, 3) Wrong Location
  7. Won - Money collected, and won't continue to move through the CRM stages.
  8. Active Patient - You consider them an active/long-term patient of the practice.
  9. Appointment Requests - Managing Appointments

An Overview of the CRM

Once you log in ( ), you will see four tabs in the left navigation:   
  • Dashboard 
  • Enquiries (Opportunities) 
  • Help Center 
  • Settings
To manage your daily enquiries, select Enquiries (on the left). This will bring up a screen with a series of columns (stages) and simple drag & drop enquiry cards. New enquiries will automatically be imported into the Enquiries column. This can occur from both phone call and form enquiries. Once a new enquiry appears, you simply update the enquiry card details and drag & drop the card into the correct stage. It's also important to think of this as a linear progress through the stages, and not going backwards.  

How to Use this Reference Guide

We have prepared a short 11-minute video with Quick Rules which you can watch above or you can use the Table of Contents to jump to a particular stage in the Reference Guide. For each stage, you will find quick notes as well as more in-depth instructions. 

Table of Contents 


Prospective patients who have called or filled out the online web form.

  1. Contact All New Enquiries
  2. Update Name (Contact Name + Opportunity Name) and add Email
  3. Move to correct next stage:
  • Did not connect with the patient right away 
    • Move to Follow Up Needed (3x)
  • An appointment was scheduled
    • Move to Booked Appointment ($)
  • The call was (Wrong number / Existing patients / Irrelevant call)
    • Move to Lost

The first step is to contact all new enquiries in the first stage. Once you've made contact, update any information that might be missing from the Enquiry card and then determine the next step.

If you've tried to contact the patient and you can't get a hold of them, simply drag and drop them into the next stage: Follow Up Needed (3x)

If you've managed to connect to the patient and have successfully booked them in for an appointment, drag and drop the card into:  Booked Appointment. At this stage, enter any additional patient info such as Name, Email etc.

If you have managed to connect with the patient and it's a wrong number (looking for a different practice), click on the card and select the Notes tab. Enter any relevant notes here such as existing patient, looking for another practice, or spam call. Next, drag and drop the card to the bottom of the screen. Here you will see a pop up of 3 options: Lost, Abandoned or Won. Place any wrong numbers, existing patients or spam calls into Lost. This enquiry will now be marked as closed. 
Marking Enquiries as Lost: We used Lost to calculate the number of enquiries, so it's really important that we are classifying these correctly. Moving a card to Lost should only happen in the following 3 scenarios, all else should be moved to abandoned: 
  1. Existing Patients
  2. Wrong Numbers (Looking for other practice or business, someone looking for a practice in another location is not a wrong number)
  3. Not Enquiry (calls not enquiring about dental, personal calls, job application calls, spam etc)

Follow Up Needed (3x)

Prospective patients who need to be followed up - at least 3 times or who have made an Appointment Request through our online scheduling from your landing pages. 

  1. Use Automated Tasks 
    • To see the tasks: Go to the top right (green 2 squares) and make sure the "task" box is selected. You'll then be able to see tasks on any cards that need calls.
    • Tick off each Task on the assigned day. You will see 3 follow-up Call tasks assigned. 
  2. Record Notes for follow-up attempts in the "notes" section
    • Write your name, contact method, outcome, and any other relevant notes
  3. Update Name (Contact Name + Opportunity Name) and add Email
  4. Move to correct next stage:
  • If the appointment was booked
    • Move to Booked Appointment (3x)
  • If you tried 3x to get a hold of the patient (all 3 tasks have been ticked off) 
    • Move to Abandoned
  • If Wrong Number (other practice) / Existing Patient / Spam call
    • Move to Lost

This stage is simple and the next steps are the same as above. Only this time, we ask you to do Follow Up 3x by using Tasks that we have automated and record any relevant notes in the Notes section of the card. Please include your name, contact method (such as call, text or email), the outcome, and any other notes such as price shopping, existing patient, etc. Tick off each Task as you complete the follow-up call. Once you've made contact, update any information that might be missing from the Enquiry card such as Patient name and email.  

If you have completed 3 follow-ups by phone / email / text and you are still unable to reach the patient, drag-and-drop the card to the bottom of the screen and place it into Abandoned

** If you see a card in Follow Up Needed (3x) with a tag " online booking" - this means that you need to follow up with the patient and confirm or reschedule their Appointment Request. Instructions on how to do this can be found here >> Managing Appointment Requests & Online Bookings

Booked Appointment 

Patients who have been booked in for an appointment. 

  1. Move to correct next stage:
  • If the appointment was attended
    • Move to Appointment Attended ($)
  • If they didn't show up and you couldn't reschedule the patient (after following up 3x)
    • Move to Abandoned

This stage should only be filled with patients who scheduled an appointment. Once the patient has attended the appointment, drag-and-drop them into the next stage: Appointment Attended ($)

If for some reason, the patient fails to attend their scheduled appointment, it's important to try to rebook them in by following up 3x, before moving them to another stage in the CRM. If you cannot reschedule them in, move this card into Abandoned.

Appointment Attended ($)

Patients who have attended their paid appointment or a free consultation. 

  1. Edit the Lead Value (Only if revenue was collected): Open Enquiry card and enter $ amount paid by the patient during the Appointment 
  2. Move to the correct next stage:
  • If Treatment Plan has been scheduled 
    • Move to Treatment Plan Scheduled ($)
  • If you need to follow up with the Patient for their next appointment
    • Move to Follow Up Treatment Plan (3x)
  • If it was a One-Time Treatment & a Lead Value has been entered
    • Move to Won
  • If you have added them as an active patient of the practice such as enrolling into the Hygiene Program
    • Move to Active Patient

Now that the patient has attended their appointment, open the opportunity card, and go to Lead Value. Enter the dollar amount paid by the patient during the appointment. If it was a free consultation, leave the value at $0. 
If further treatment is required and a Treatment Plan has been presented (either verbally or written) and they have not yet been scheduled in, drag and drop the card to Treatment Plan Follow Up (3x) stage. If they have been scheduled, move them to the Treatment Plan Scheduled ($) stage. 
If the patient has completed their treatment during this appointment, and you do not expect them to come back to the practice, make sure to add in the revenue paid to date in the Lead Value, record any relevant notes and then drag and drop the card to Won
If the patient completed their treatment and you have added them as an active patient of the practice (such as enrolling into the Hygiene Program), this means they have now become an Active Patient. Drag and drop the card into the Active Patient stage and then to Won.

Treatment Plan Follow Up (3x)

Patients who have been offered a Treatment Plan, either verbally or written, but have not yet been scheduled in for their first appointment. 

  1. Use Automated Tasks 
    • To see the tasks: Go to the top right (green 2 squares) and make sure the "task" box is selected. You'll then be able to see tasks on any cards that need calls.
    • Tick off each Task on the assigned day. You will see 3 follow-up Treatment Call tasks assigned. 
  2. Record Notes for each follow up attempt in the "notes" section
    • Write your name, contact method, outcome, and any other relevant notes 
  3. Move to next correct stage:
  • If you have scheduled in their Treatment Plan 
    • Move to Treatment Plan Scheduled ($)
  • If you were unable to get a hold of the patient and there is a Lead Value $
    • Move to Won 
  • If you were unable to get a hold of the patient and there is $0 Lead Value (nothing paid to date)
    • Move to Abandoned 

This step is the same as the first Follow Up Needed stage. Once you have connected with the patient and scheduled them in for an appointment, you can move this enquiry into the Treatment Plan Scheduled ($) stage. 

If you were unable to get a hold of the patient or they decided not to go ahead, you have two options here: move the card to Won or Abandoned. Won means they have paid the practice and there is a Lead Value. If there is $0 Lead Value (ex: their first appointment was a Free Consultation), move this card to Abandoned. 

Treatment Plan Scheduled ($)

Patients who have accepted their Treatment Plan and are scheduled. 

  1. Edit the Lead Value: Open Enquiry card and enter the total $ amount paid by the patient to date PLUS the remaining amount of the scheduled treatment plan
  2. Move to correct next stage:
  • If the treatment plan has been started and they become active patient of the practice
    • Move to Active Patient
  • If it is a One-Time Treatment, and they will not become an Active Patient
    • Move to Won
  • If a Lead Value has been entered, but they did not show up to their scheduled appointment 
    • Edit Lead Value: change back to the total $ amount patient has already paid to date (minus Treatment Plan)
    • Move to Won
  • If there is $0 Lead Value, and they did not show up to their scheduled appointment
    • Move to Abandoned

This stage should only be filled with patients who have been scheduled in the calendar for a Treatment Plan. 

Open the enquiry card and under Lead Value, edit the dollar amount to include the treatment plan value. If the patient paid for their initial appointment and now they have accepted a Treatment Plan, you would add the Treatment Plan value to what's already been paid. 

Example: Initial appointment: $149 + Treatment Plan: $4500 = New Lead Value: $4649. 

Once the patient has started the appointment, you have a couple of options depending on if they will become an active patient of the practice. Move them to Won if they started their treatment and will NOT become an Active Patient. 

If for some reason, the patient fails to attend their scheduled appointment, it's important to try to rebook them in by following up 3x. If you cannot reschedule them in and the patient hasn't paid anything to date, move this card into  Abandoned. If the patient has paid the practice, and there is a Lead Value, move this card to Won. **Make sure to edit the Lead Value to only include what has already been paid before moving this card to Abandoned or Won. 

Active Patient

"Active Patients" are enquiries that you consider an active patient of the practice such as when they go on the hygiene program by scheduling an appointment in 6 to 12 months. 

Once you move a patient to this stage, ensure you have added all revenue paid to date plus the scheduled treatment plan value. 

This enquiry will automatically be updated as WON

CRM Updates

1) We've added "tasks" to both of the major follow up stages:  
  • Follow Up Needed (3x)
  • Treatment Plan Follow Up (3x)
To see the tasks: Go to the top right (green 2 squares) and make sure the "task" box is selected. You'll then be able to see tasks on any cards that need calls.
  • The first follow up is 1 call per day for 3 days.
  • The treatment plan follow up is after 4 days call once, then 1 week after for 2 more calls.
2) When you move cards to "active patient" they will automatically move the card to 'won'. 
This will help clear up confusion, as some clients just left them in active patient for many months. Please just make sure to put any important information into that card before moving it to active patient.

Need Extra Assistance? 

If you have any further questions or require additional training, please book in time using our calendar for Training Support:

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